What is KYC? (Know Your Customer)



The Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure helps financial organizations identify and verify their customers to combat money laundering, terrorist financing (AML/CFT), and prevent financial crimes, thereby ensuring customer reliability.

KYC actively combats criminal activities by collecting and analyzing customer information. These checks help build trust in the financial sector and manage risks. KYC has become a standard practice on cryptocurrency exchanges. However, some criticize it, arguing that it may diminish the core advantages of cryptocurrencies, such as anonymity and decentralization.

KYC is a widely adopted regulation that financial institutions are obliged to adhere to. This practice primarily aims to combat crime financing and the laundering of unlawfully obtained funds. This is why KYC becomes an essential security measure, especially in the world of cryptocurrencies. Many financial organizations and service providers, such as Binance, increasingly implement such procedures to protect their customers and their assets.

What is KYC?

KYC, or "Know Your Customer," is a procedure in which financial organizations are obligated to request information and documents from customers to confirm their identity. This information may include official documents such as identification cards or bank statements. Like Anti-Money Laundering (AML) measures, KYC is aimed at preventing money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, and illegal financial transactions.

KYC helps prevent violations rather than react to them. Most financial services request customer information during registration, before any financial transactions occur. In some cases, user accounts can be created without undergoing KYC, but their functionality is limited. For example, on the Binance exchange, users can register, but access to trading is restricted until KYC is completed.

The following documents may be required during the KYC process:

  • Identification document (ID).
  • Driver's license.
  • Passport. In addition to identity verification, additional documents may be required to confirm the customer's location and address. KYC stages are typically conducted multiple times and regularly to enable financial organizations to maintain up-to-date information about their customers.

Who Regulates KYC Standards?

The oversight of KYC (Know Your Customer) standards involves a complex web of regulations and authorities, each with its own nuances depending on the country and region in question. In the United States, for instance, KYC procedures are guided by the Bank Secrecy Act and the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, setting the foundation for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and KYC protocols, which continue to evolve. Meanwhile, in the European Union and the Asia-Pacific region, distinctive regulatory frameworks have emerged, although they often harmonize with American guidelines.

Within the European Union, directives like the Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD) and the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) delineate precise requirements that financial institutions and service providers must meticulously observe.

Internationally, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) plays a central role in supervising KYC practices. Its primary responsibility is to develop and promulgate global guidelines aimed at countering money laundering and terrorist financing. The recommendations provided by FATF serve as a pivotal reference point for numerous nations as they construct their legal frameworks.

In summary, the supervision of KYC standards represents a dynamic interplay of national laws, regulations, and international bodies such as FATF, creating a multifaceted and ever-evolving regulatory environment.

KYC in Cryptocurrency

The Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure is an essential part of the cryptocurrency industry for several reasons, linked to its anonymity and potential risks:

Irreversible Transactions: In cryptocurrency, blockchain transactions are irreversible, meaning that errors in them cannot be rectified. This creates risks of losing funds in case of mistakes or fraudulent activities.

Anonymity: Cryptocurrency allows users to operate without providing personal information and anonymously using pseudonyms. This anonymity can be exploited by criminals for money laundering and concealing the source of their funds.

Unclear Taxation: In many countries, the taxation and legal regulations regarding cryptocurrency are still not fully developed. KYC helps in accounting for and paying taxes, ensuring compliance with the law.

Although the KYC procedure may cause some inconvenience during registration, its benefit lies in securing funds and combating criminal activities. This helps maintain the reputation of the cryptocurrency industry and ensures its broader recognition and adoption.

Key Benefits of KYC

The benefits stemming from the Know Your Customer (KYC) process extend beyond its role in combating unlawful activities. They also contribute to the improvement of the financial system and offer additional merits:

Risk Evaluation for Lenders: KYC streamlines the assessment of risks for lenders by granting access to clients' personal information and financial backgrounds. This encourages more prudent lending practices and effective risk management.

Protection Against Deception: KYC acts as a deterrent against the theft of personal data and various forms of financial deceit, thus safeguarding the interests of clients.

Combatting Money Laundering: KYC functions as a measure aimed at thwarting money laundering and the funding of terrorism, ensuring alignment with global standards and fortifying the security of the financial system.

Fostering Trust: KYC bolsters the trust that clients place in financial service providers, as they have confidence that their personal and financial particulars are shielded. This, in turn, aids in upholding the industry's reputation and stimulates investments in the financial sector.

KYC and Decentralization

The Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure and the concept of cryptocurrency decentralization share a complex relationship. Cryptocurrencies were originally developed with an emphasis on decentralization and the elimination of intermediaries, enabling users to create wallets and manage their assets without disclosing personal information. However, this has also opened doors to illicit activities, such as money laundering.

To regulate the use of cryptocurrency and combat financial crimes, governments and regulators often require cryptocurrency exchanges and fiat-to-crypto service providers to implement KYC procedures for their customers. However, implementing KYC for standalone cryptocurrency wallets, unaffiliated with exchanges, is a more challenging task and may contradict the principles of decentralization.

It's important to emphasize that some investors use cryptocurrencies solely for speculation and profit, while others genuinely appreciate their potential and advantages, such as decentralization. Striking a balance between protecting against financial crimes and adhering to the ideals of decentralization is a complex issue that the cryptocurrency industry grapples with.

Arguments Against KYC

There are several arguments opposing the Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure in the context of cryptocurrencies:

Additional Costs: KYC procedures can involve additional fees and expenses, which may be passed on to customers. This can make the use of financial services less cost-effective. Access Restrictions: Some individuals may be excluded from using financial services due to a lack of necessary documents to undergo KYC verification or because they lack a permanent address. This can hinder access to financial instruments for certain population groups. Privacy Concerns: There is a risk that unscrupulous financial organizations may have inadequate customer data protection measures, leading to leaks of personal information and financial privacy breaches. Contradiction with Decentralization: Some cryptocurrency proponents see KYC as a violation of the principles of decentralization and anonymity, which are considered key characteristics of cryptocurrencies. These arguments underscore the complex balance between security and privacy that the cryptocurrency and financial services industry grapples with.


Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures are a standard practice in the financial industry and on cryptocurrency exchanges. Despite the inconvenience that KYC checks may cause, they play a crucial role in combating money laundering and other financial crimes. These checks are necessary to ensure the security of users and maintain the reputation of financial services. Passing a KYC check provides confidence that trading cryptocurrencies on exchanges like Binance is conducted in a secure environment.